keskiviikko 23. syyskuuta 2015

118. Käännösoikeus - Translation rights

En tiedä, mitä hyötyä tämän blogin kirjoituksistani on, mutta:
Tämän blogin (siis myös myöhäisemmät tekstit kuin tämä käännösoikeus) saa moraalisesti ok tavalla kääntää muille kielille,
jos haluaa. Siinä yhteydessä saa kääntää myös tähän blogiin linkitetyt tekstit.

Lue blogi, mieluiten järjestyksessä, tai ainakin aika paljon siitä ja kukin teksti kokonaisuudessaan ennen kääntämistä. Anna jonkun muun, terveen, kääntää vaivat, joihin sinulla itselläsi on taipumusta.

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One can translate this blog morally to other languages.
I hope that you will let someone else translate those illnesses to which you yourself have an inclination.
There is no experience backing these ideas. The Tervola family had a reputation of being skilled in curing, each in one's own way, but that wisdom was diffcult to communicate. "Terve" means "healthy". I was told as a kid that if I would write down my view after I have taken the name Tervola, as my view on curing gets built, then one would have a road to that wisdom about curing that living with the name "healthy" brings, and so people could learn that valuable skill. But this far it is only a wish.

19.7.2017   It is told a tale of so skilled Finnish doctor that all got cured in a minute or so just from seeing him, whatever their illness or wound. I do not know who that doctor was, but the Tervola family member often were the best doctors or nurses of some area, for example of a town or a larger area, and this view of mine here gives an idea of how so high healing skills can exist. These impressions of mine are cure attempts without medicine or other treatment. The headlines in "Hakemisto" and "Sisällysluettelo" give a rough idea of each cure attempt.
(In 1990's in Hlesinki were I lived, once two young women came to the same dressing room in a sports hobby - I liked sports, anture, healthy ways of living and read poetry and New Age books from the town library, mainly Buddhism - and they said that they came there because the previous young women had got cured from some illness that they had had, just by seeing me, and I haven't noticed a thing, and so these said that they too had gotten cured in some minutes changing clothes in women's dressing room. I thought that it must have been healthy ways of living: they had something lacking in skills from healthy ways of living and I was good at healthy ways of living. But such hasn't happebed to me later, at least none said anything of the kind. Healthy ways of living need the support of the environment's wisdom of life and the health of their wayd´s of living, not good to associate with the ill a lot.)

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These translation rights apply to both this whole blog and it's continuation in another blog .

Viimeisin blogimerkintä on A260. Molemmat blogit saa kääntää kokonaan muille kielille, kunhan tekee sen moraalin kannalta ok tavalla.

2. maaliskuuta 2016
Samoin, viimeisin blogimerkintä on A313.

30. heinäkuuta 2016
Samoin, viimeisin blogimerkintä A353.

4. maaliskuuta 2017
Viimeisin blogimerkintä on nyt B465. Kaikki kolme blogia saa kääntää kokonaan muille kielille, kunhan toimii siinä moraalisesti.

11. kesäkuuta 2017
Samoin. Viimeisin blogimerkintä on nyt B500.

31. July 2017 I translated some headers and few texts of this blog to English at
 (I cahnged the address 3.8.2017, this is the new one)
I also found a computer translation that seemed to produce somehow understandable text:

 21. September 2017   A little bit ovat 1,5 months since I translated some of this blog to English and consewquently lost touch with how to make these advices.

8. July 2018    There are now 500 first of the headers translated to English at .
And there are over 50 texts translated to English in the same blog .
Viimeisin blogimerkintä on nyt C617. ja kaikki neljä osaa saa kääntää muille kielille moraalisesti ok tavalla.

13.10.2018   Blogikohtia on nyt 678 ja ne saa kääntää moraalisesti ok tavalla muille kielille. Paras kääntäjä olisivat kai tavalliset kieliä osaavat arkijärkiset asianharrastuneet, terveet & terveistä elämäntavoista harrastuneet. En ole saanut tälle mitään rahoitusta, enkä koe sitä hyväksi, koska aiheena ovat sairaudet ja parannuskeinot taas pohjautuvat terveenä elämisen taitoon, mutta vapaaehtoisvoimin käätäminen sujuisi varmaankin helpommin, jos kustakin ohjeesta voisi maksaa esim. 5 euroa palkkaa kääntäjälle tai tavallisen ohjeen mittaisesta pätkästä 5e, mikö kenties olisi mahdollista, jos ohjeet parantavat tai tuovat paranemisessa auttavaa tervehenkistä näkemystä riittävästi, jolloin niistä voisi kukin sairastava, jolla on ollenkaan rahaa, niin maksaa paikallisella mittapuulla aika pienen summan kuten suomalaisille 5e tai 3e, ja rikkaampi sitten voisi halutessaan tukea vaikkapa 20 eurolla, millä saisi jo 4 käännöstä. Ensin pitäisi kääntää ne ohjeet, jotka itsellä ovat mielessä päällimmäisinä, jotta keskittyminen olisi kuhunkin parannusohjeeseen eikä johonkin ihan muuhun.

16.12.2018   There are now some 600 headers translated to English, but the names of the diseáses have largely been left untranslated. I guess that an index like the Finnish one would be usefuölto many readers, with cure suggestions after the word "and". In addition one needs at least some of the texts to see what the cure attempts are like, but there are already some 50 texts translated to English.

18.12.2018   There is now an index of 300 translated headers at which is half of the this far translated headers.

21.12.2018   The English index  has now 500 headers init.

12.3.2019   Tässä blogissa on jo 731 kohtaa ja ne saa moraalisesti ok tavalla kääntää muille kielille.

13.11.2019   Näissä ohjeissa ideana on pysytellä mahdollisimman kaukana tautialtistuksesta, ikään kuin kiertää taudit terveiden elämäntapojen kautta, niihin sairastumatta. Siksi paras kääntäjä ei varmaankaan olisi lääketieteen alan ihminen, koska lääketieteessä tautialtistus usein on suuri. Ainakin luulen näin. Vaan joku tavallinen ihminen, vaikakpa sairastavan tuttu, joka etsii sitä sun tätä tietoa ja on harrastunut terveistä elämäntavoista. Olisi kai hyvä, jos hänellä olisi kokemusta lapsille selittämisestä, lapsille opettamisesta, niin kenties kovin suomalainen näkökulma kai niiden taitojen avulla kommunikoituisi paremmin ulkomaalaisille.

10th of May 2023   Google translations 

Google translation of this healing blog to English

The Google translation seemed available for tens (134) of languages. 

 Ja nyt siis Googlen kääntäjän kielivalikosta sain vaikutelman, että blogin voi kääntää 133 muulle kielelle. Mene kääntäjän pääsivulle ja valitse käännettäväksi nettisivu. Kirjoita sen osoite ruutuun ja valitse, että menet sivustolle. Jossain sivun yläreunassa näkyi nuoli, että käännetään vaikka englanniksi, ja kielen kohdalta aukeni kielivalikko, josta saattoi valita haluamansakielisen käännöksen. Odota vähän, niin kääntäjä ehtii kääntää jo sivun yläosan, ja sivua vähän odotellen selatessa aina vain pidemmälle koko sivun. 

11th of June 2023   The Google translation of the indexes to English seems understandable enough, but it is not in alphabetical order, so one can study this view on healing from it but one cannot heal immediately just by reading, since one cannot find the advices so quickly from it. I do not have the English skills and text editing possibilities needed for arranging the list. 

The Google translations of the texts seem ununderstandable, completely wrong, except maybe about the miracle cures. A dictionary like translation would be much better. 

30.6.2023   My Finnish healing blog seems to have an understandable Google translation to English. Since the subject is difficult to translate, a dictionary like translation is best. So there could already be a such translation to French too. Search for " Google translation", choose teanslating a web page, fill the above internet adress, and go to the page and wait while the translation proceeds. In the index there are healing suggestions to eavh illness. Think what such cure would cause, would it ease something of ghe kind of the mentioned illness, wound or the like. Healing by comparing with healthy ways of living, civiluced wisdom, wisdom of lufe, life according to feelings and music.

1st of July 2023   If there are translations of the blog or it's parts, I cannot check them. But since those may be very useful, it is ok to publish, spread and even sell such in morally ok ways, but one ought not connect them with me, since a translation may end up being a very different kind of text. So mention me only in connection with the Finnish original. The text is difficult to translate, so a dictionary like translation seems the only ok option. Maybe  Google teanslations can offer such. The Finnish version as a book was some 800 pages, so an e-book or just a new blog would be better to use. 

 " c21.   2nd of July 2023   It turned out that a dictionary like Google translation of my Finnish healing blog is much better than the human like translations, since the subject is so difficult to translate. So it may be that there already is available an understandable Google translation of my healing blog, especially of it's indexes with the cure suggestions in them, to over a hundred languages. Search "Google translation" , choose translating an internet page, fill kn the internet address of my healing blog , choose translating from Finnish to your language or to English, go to the blog and wait while the translation proceed while you scroll down the pages. Read especially the indexes, while other translations may get better across time. Use the search on the page feature of youf browser to find certain type of illness from the already translated index. " 

A dictionary like translation is understandable and does not go badly ashtray, while human like translatilns seem to go badly wrong. I guess that the person translating tends to first think of the situation of ghe pagient and of the cure, then tries to find a similar kn another culture, so that what the translator produces beafs no resemblance to the original healing advice. 

14.11.2023   " * * *


There are about a thousand entries in my blog and some entries have a few additilnal healing advices, so in practice there are well over a thousand healkng advices in the blog, miracle like healing advices that is. In the books where the blog is as printed there are some 1450 pages. There exists an ok dictionary like translation of tge index, so one can get some idea of what kinds of healing advices these are. But otherwise the translation is a big problem. In additiln to the translating from Finnish to other languages, there are the cultural and climate differencies in ways of living, values, undersranding, ways of communicating, living environment, etc. And a surprising major influencing factor is that all places do not want healing advices, since they do not have healing as a value, as a goal in the society. So one ought to translate for cultural areas that want healing advices. And in any case, like in school's individual practise translations, the end result of the translation reflects the views, values, ways of living, skills and knowledge of the translator, so he/she is the Author of the end result and has the copyright for it and so can also sell the texts and keep the money, while the original Finnish text is just one of the sources. 



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